Public pools to require proof of menstrual cycle status

Beginning next month, public swimming pools will require proof that a woman isn’t having her period before permitting entry.

Proponents of the new health requirements said this was being done for protection of public health.“Why should we let a selfish few endanger public health simply because they refuse to disclose their menstrual cycle? In all cases, public health interests trump personal privacy. A woman withholding the status of her cycle could result in a bloody mess, something we’d all prefer to avoid.”

Those opposed to the new rule have said that the new requirement was a huge invasion of privacy. Politicians and the media have refuted these privacy concerns, insisting such claims are being made by a vocal minority of right-wing extremists, who are advocating to endanger public health as they selfishly push notions of privacy and personal liberty.

Despite it being pointed out that a woman’s menstrual cycle poses no risk to other pool users or public health, the media have insisted that the public “follow the science”, specifically, their science.

The government are working on an update to existing QR-code sign-in technology to include the ability to verify the status of a woman’s cycle. This is seen as the first of many add-ons to the QR-code sign-in system that will be rolled out in the coming months.

A men’s-rights advocate stated “It’s not just swimming pools who have an interest in a woman’s’ menstrual cycle, men who are intending on hooking up with a woman also have a right to know so they can avoid an accidental pregnancy. Medical privacy is a selfish and dangerous right that we need fight against for the public good and the peace of mind of men everywhere.”

Experts are proposing that the QR-code sign-in system be further extended to include tracking of STDs, requiring those engaging in intimate relations to sign-in so possible infection can be tracked.