New Zealand to use selfie as proof of vaccination

Wellington, New Zealand – The New Zealand government is asking everyone to take selfie while they are being vaccinated as their “proof-of-vaccination”.

A Ministry of Health spokesman commented “We thought about creating our own app, but by the time the bureaucracy actually managed to create an app, the pandemic would have been over. We estimated one billion dollars and ten years to complete our app, which is longer than we expect the pandemic to run.”

The use of selfies as proof-of vaccination is seen as a simple and effective option and allows for exemption for those who are unable to be vaccinated. The health minister explained, “selfies will allow for all manner of exemptions. Those who have natural immunity as a result of previous COVID-19 infection can use a picture of their time in ICU, while those who claim a religious exemption can take a picture at their place of worship.”

New Zealanders will have the option of using a photo of their stay in ICU as proof of natural immunity.

Many have challenged the rather bizarre approach to proof-of-vaccination, claiming the system is ripe for fraud, however the Government has said they “trust New Zealanders will act with the same integrity exemplified by the Government”, which we assume means they aren’t expecting any integrity at all.

Religious exemptions will be allowed by providing a proof-of-relgion selfie