New Zealand Government opens second-class citizenship stream

The New Zealand Government has announced a new initiative where those seeking citizenship will treated as second-class citizens from the moment they file their citizenship application. The government explained the new process:

“We’re all used to being treated as second-class citizens by the government, so why deprive would-be citizens of the same experience? From now on all legally resident non-minority citizenship applicants will be subjected to a lengthy multi-year application process, with their application sits in near-eternal limbo awaiting assessment as processing times blow out ad infinitum. This new process will ensure that would-be citizens get a taste of what it’s like to be a real citizen, where the government consistently over promises and under delivers – after all, it’s important to set expectations as early as possible.”

“An exception to this new process will be illegal migrants, refugees and minorities, who will be given the first-class citizenship treatment. This is just the first step in their journey of becoming a citizen, where the government continues to prioritise minorities as first-class citizens, and treats everyone else with utter contempt.”

If the bar were set any lower, it would be buried.