Melbourne police condemn freedom protestors’ violent pacifism

Melbourne, Australia – Police have denounced the violent undertone of protestors’ excessive peacefulness during this weeks freedom rallies in Melbourne.

The chief of police gave a scalding rebuke of the hate-filled ultra-right-wing peaceful assembly, “what is wrong with these protestors and their excessive peacefulness?! We spray them with pepper-spray, they do nothing. We shoot them with rubber-bullets, they don’t fight back. We trample them with horses and beat them with shields, but even then the protestors refuse to attack police. Obviously we are dealing with an extremely violent group of neo-Nazi white-suprematists!”

Social media first-hand accounts have surfaced that show the disorganised group of protestors were herded by police towards Melbourne’s war memorial, The Shrine of Remembrance, where they proceeded to exhibit such unruly behaviour as singing the national anthem and engaging in patriotic waving of the Australian flag.

The State Premier denounced the demonstrators vigil on the steps of the Shrine of Remembrance, “the sacrifices our forefathers made during the first and second World War against fascism, tyranny and violent suppression are embodied, symbolised and remembered by this most sacred shrine. These protestors showed complete disregard for all that was sacrificed in the past by peacefully assembling on the steps of the Shrine. Freedom and liberty have no place on such sacred ground. Police had no choice but to brutally suppress the crowds violently peaceful demonstration.”

Stumped by the overt violence displayed by the protestors, Melbourne police have vowed to take a new approach “we’re just going to have to use real bullets, the situation is just too volatile for conventional crowd control measures. These protestors are really starting to make the police and authorities look bad, and that is something we absolutely will not tolerate!”

“All we want to do is to make these protestors look like violent extremists, is that really too much to ask?”

The State Premier has said the freedom protests have no place at Melbourne’s symbol of liberty and freedom.