Lack of new slave labour in China exacerbates chip shortage

Xinjiang, China – A lack of microchips are not the only shortage facing foreign electronics manufacturers, as fears rise that China is running out of Uyghur Muslim slave labour. After years of enslaving the population of China’s Muslim province Xinjiang into labour camps, combined with forced sterilisation of Uyghur Muslim women, China now faces a lack of replacements for the workers as the existing ones die of exhaustion or become too feeble to continue.

The CEO of a large electronics manufacturer confirmed that alternative manufacturing locations known for their negotiable human-rights and favourable labour market, including North Korea, Myanmar, Uzbekistan and Afghanistan, are all under consideration. “What we really need is a large number of people who can work 16 hours a day, 7 days a week, for free. We’re of course willing to pay for guards and to bribe local officials, but our profit margins have limits; having to pay our assembly-line workers would mean a significant drop in our share price, which will have an unacceptable impact on my stock options.”

Meanwhile, the Chinese government have denied that there is any slave labour in China, claiming that the Uyghur Muslim factory “workers” have voluntarily renounced Islam and proudly work themselves to death as they joyfully embrace the ideals of the Chinese Communist Party. It is obvious that allegations of slave labour are misplaced in this proud communist utopia, and the result of unfounded allegations by “hostile foreign forces”.

Xinjiang’s Uyghur Musilm community are happily fleeing Islam, as they embrace the joys of “Communism with Chinese Characteristics.”