Government announces Child FARMS to protect the children

Ontario, Canada. April 1st 2021 – The government today announced the launch of the new education program, which will require all children from the age of 4 to attend boarding schools until their 18th birthday, far away form the dangers of parental bias. The new program will be known as Child Freedom through Advanced Research and Maths Schools, or Child FARMS for short.

Child FARMS will ensure that children are taught permitted freedoms and technical skills to ensure they are a compliant and hard working productive members of Canada’s ever-advancing high-tech society. It has been reported that the Child FARMS program has been based on the successful indoctrination program run by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), but takes the step of completely removing parents from the equation. The government have said that the CCP will play an important roll in guiding government officials in the implementation and refinement of the program.

Like battery farming of poultry, government Child FARMS will ensure a consistent quality product, er, future-workers, no make that, “humans” while minimising their environmental impact and ability to utter wrongthink.

A spokesperson explained “our research has shown that 99% of the wrongthink, that is unsanctioned thoughts, is derived from a child’s environment outside of school. If we ever want to achieve a utopian society of harmonious freedom, equity, stability and completely remove the systemic bias, it is important to stamp out the influence of wayward parental influence. The heart of the problem is to ensure there isn’t too much humanity in future humans. Parents have no place in the raising of children, and those who would argue otherwise are ignorant of the science, the government needs to protect children and our future society from rogue parents who have opinions that are at odds with the government.

Over the coming weeks, parents are being asked to bring their children to staging areas at local train and bus stations, where children will be loaded onto trains to government camps schools. This will allow parents to focus entirely on the betterment of society, free of parental responsibilities.

Like a mystical Harry Potter book, children will be whisked away to Child FARMS where they will receive an education protected from parental biases and wrongthink