Germany interns unvaccinated and protestors to preserve national harmony

Berlin, Germany – July 15th, 2021. To address concerns by sophisticated urbanites that the unvaccinated, who everyone knows are mostly uneducated rural peasants that lack the basic elements of humanity, a new “National Harmony” or Nuremberg bill has been introduced into the German parliament, the Bundestag. This new legislation will require that all adults who cannot prove their vaccination status or have participated in anti-lock down protests, and their children, wear a white armband with a blue star on their right upper arm and walk in the gutters. A spokesperson speaking on behalf of the German chancellor confirmed that “meine leader – the Chancellor – is confident that the National Harmony legislation will make it easier for the vaccinated to avoid accidental contact with the unvaccinated and those who would otherwise sow the seeds of misinformation among the public.”

The government is assuring sophisticated urbanites that they will be protected from anti-vaxxers, who “everyone knows are uneducated rural sub-human peasants”

The National Harmony legislation will expand on the previously passed law that removes the right to vote by the unvaccinated, modelled on Australia’s highly successful “no-jab, no-vote” law. The National Harmony legislation claims to “ensure the safety and security of the population by providing protection from the unvaccinated and those who may disseminate misinformation”.

Under the legislation those who are unvaccinated or have participated in unauthorised political protest or political groups, are barred from vaccinated areas of cities and are no-longer allowed to attend school, university or hold jobs in government, law, medicine and other fields.

The unvaccinated are also required to register all property ownership with the government, which has implemented taxes to ensure they “pay their fair-share” of the burden that the unvaccinated place on the healthcare system and the security measures that have been put in place to protect civilised society. The new law will be policed by the newly created “Schutzstaffel” Protection Squadron, which will be known as the “SS” for short.

The unvaccinated will be sent to labour camps to protect the vaccinated.

When asked if the new legislation would create an underclass of unrepresented people, the German Chancellor, otherwise known as the leader or simply “Führer” ranted “once the unvaccinated can be readily identified, we can assist them in relocating them on trains to labour camps deep in the interior. This will be in their best interests given that they have decided through their actions to cease to be a functional member of our western liberal democracy.”

It is understood that the German leadership is to meet with other European nations in Munich later this month to consider allowing Germany to absorb the Czech Republic and Poland in exchange for “peace in our time.”