France to expel Australian war dead, as submarine deal and relations go nuclear

Villers-Bretonneux, France – The French have continued their spectacular tantrum over Australia’s cancellation of the diesel submarine deal with France, after a new deal was done with the UK and US for nuclear powered submarines.

Australia had pointed out how ungrateful the French reaction has been given that more than a million Australian soldiers served in World War One and Two in France, with tens of thousands dead and buried on French soil. The French foreign minister responded screaming “Merde alors ! If the Australians are so upset about their war dead, then take them back!”

France has promptly started exhuming the corpses of Australian soldiers and shipping them back to Australia. An Australian government spokesman commented “we feel this is a grave mistake, it’s just like the French to dig up the past, always finding skeletons in the closet. We are certainly glad that Australia’s diesel sub deal with France is dead and buried, even if our fallen soldiers are not.”

“While the submarine program has gone nuclear, it was never intended that Australian-French relations do the same. There is a lot of fallout from this decision, I expect we’ll be cleaning up and containing the toxic relationship with the French for some time to come.”

French authorities have begun exhuming Australian war-dead remains from Word War One and Two graves across France.