Australian ups the ante, sends vaccine-refusers to labour camps

Christmas Island, Australia. September 3rd, 2021 – The Australian Government today announced that Australians who refused to be vaccinated will be relocated to labour camps “for their own safety”. The labour camps will be set up on Christmas Island, an Australian territory approximately 1500km (1000 miles) northwest of the mainland, at the site of the…

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Panicked stampede at Sydney airport in face of Australian military takeover

Sydney, Australia. August 19th 2021 – Sydney airport has been overrun with Australians and foreign nationals alike, desperate to escape the clutches of the Australian military as they take control of the city under the guise of COVID health mandates. Experts had expected a full authoritarian takeover of Australia’s largest city would take three months,…

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Australia sends in army to protect democracy from pro-democracy movement

Sydney, Australia – The Australian government, faced with the threat of unapproved speech, radical notions of freedom of expression and calls for democracy, will deploy the Army on to the streets of Sydney. The federal government has said they are “saddened that the military’s annual inclusivity rainbow finger-painting exercises had to be brought to a…

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Australia safeguards democracy with “No-Jab, No-Vote”

Canberra, Australia – July 2nd 2021. The Australian federal government has launched it’s “no-jab, no-vote” initiative today, ensuring the safety of COVID19 vaccinated Australian voters from the unvaccinated. The no-jab no-vote initiative is modelled on the government’s successful no-jab, no-pay policy which withholds government assistance from parents who refuse to immunise their children. “I think…

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Australia torches forests as climate change battle escalates

SYDNEY, Australia – The Australian Federal government has announced an ambitious plan to stop climate change in it’s tracks. The Prime Minister said in today’s announcement “apparently dead plants and trees in state forests can be burned by fire, I mean this is some really cutting edge science. Logically pre-emptively torching our state forests means…

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