Australia holds referendum on initiating a new referendum

Canberra, Australia – In a move that has left Australians scratching their heads, Prime Minister is steering the nation into uncharted democratic waters with a proposal that introduces a mind-bending paradox. Brace yourselves, because Australia is seriously contemplating a national referendum on the very concept of holding referendums, and it turns out, breaking free from…

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Sydney residents grieve loss of benevolent dictator, pray for new restrictions to keep everyone safe

Sydney, Australia – The safely subjugated and imprisoned population of the state of New South Wales are mourning the shock resignation of the State Premier, the architect of Sydney’s police state. News of the resignation due to a corruption inquiry came as a complete shock, as many had assumed the Premier was entirely above the…

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Melbourne police condemn freedom protestors’ violent pacifism

Melbourne, Australia – Police have denounced the violent undertone of protestors’ excessive peacefulness during this weeks freedom rallies in Melbourne. The chief of police gave a scalding rebuke of the hate-filled ultra-right-wing peaceful assembly, “what is wrong with these protestors and their excessive peacefulness?! We spray them with pepper-spray, they do nothing. We shoot them…

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Stormtroopers deployed on streets of Melbourne to crush uprising

Melbourne, Australia – Tired of the escalating demonstrations on the streets of Melbourne, where anti-vaccination and anti-lockdown protestors from the construction industry have continuously outsmarted the states dimwitted and generally overweight police, the Victorian state government has requested the Galactic Empire to deploy Storm Troopers onto the streets of the state capital. The chief of…

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Elderly And Disabled To Be Targeted for Police Brutality to Achieve Equity

Melbourne, Australia. September 19th, 2021 – After successfully bowling over an elderly woman who was participating in a protest and then pepper spraying her, police have confirmed this will be incorporated into their standard operating procedures for handling protests. “The Victorian state police are proud to announce that we will be embracing an equal-opportunity approach…

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Taliban calls on Australia to respect democracy

Sydney, Australia – The Taliban has called on the Australian government to respect the democratic rights of Australians, nearly all of whom are perpetually confined to their homes under COVID home-detention edicts. Zabiullah Mujahid, the spokesman of the Afghan government, said “the Australian government has removed virtually all rights of Australians, we hereby call on…

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