Australia To Revise Citizenship Pledge and Flag

Canberra, Australia – The Australian imperial government has today announced that they will revise the citizenship pledge and national flag to better reflect the countries somewhat less liberal and less democratic values.

The updated flag and citizenship pledge is proposed as follows:

New Citizenship Pledge

From this time forward, under the Supreme Leader,
I pledge my loyalty to the imperial government,
whose authoritarian beliefs I share,
whose mandates and edicts I respect, and
whose decrees I will silently submit to and obey.

Existing Pledge of Old Democracy

From this time forward, under God,
I pledge my loyalty to Australia and its people,
whose democratic beliefs I share,
whose rights and liberties I respect, and
whose laws I will uphold and obey.

Updated national flag updated to reflect new “Australian Values”
Old national flag of the previously democratic country

The government will require all existing citizens also take the new pledge, even those who obtained citizenship by birth. Citizens are expected to take the pledge on the governments “little red book”, otherwise known as “quotations of the supreme leader”.