A long time ago, in a republic far far away…. Trump!

It is a period of civil war. Far leftists supporters of Democrat Presidential Nominee Biden, striking from woke urban city centers, have won their first victory against the evil Trump Administration. During the peaceful riots, Antifa spies managed to steal evidence of Trump’s Russian collusion. Pursued by Trump’s sinister Department of Homeland Security agents, Biden races home from Kenosha aboard his private jet back to the safety of his basement, custodian of the stolen evidence proving foreign election interference, saving the American people from patriotism and propagating critical race theory across the republic…

As Biden’s private jet flew over peace ravaged Kenoshi, it’s reported he remarked“that’s funny, the damage doesn’t look as bad from up here. Sorry where are we? Who am I? Which way to the basement?”

Meanwhile President Trump has revealed himself as the Sith lord and announced the formation of MAGA patriot militias across the country. An anonymous source quoted the Vice President’s hysterical remarks to Trump in the party war room “until the MAGA patriot militias are fully operational, we are vulnerable! The far-left are too well equipped! They’re more dangerous than you realize. The Democrats will continue to gain support in the House and Senate…”

In response to the Democrat threat, Trump’s press secretary today announced “The House and Senate will no longer be of any concern to us. I’ve just received word that upon winning his second term, the President will dissolve both the House and Senate permanently. The last remnants of the Old Republic will be swept away. Fear of the MAGA patriot militias will keep state governors and Antifa in line.”

With the dissolution of the House and Senate imminent after Trumps re-election, it is a dark time for the Democrats. Although the Trump is predicted to lose to Biden, MAGA patriot militias have driven the Antifa from their nightly peaceful protests and pursued them across the country. Evading Trump’s militias, a group of Antifa peaceful rioters led by Biden has established a new secret basement in the remote ice state of Alaska. The evil President Trump, obsessed with eliminating left-wing politics, has dispatched thousands of militiamen into the far reaches of the republic.

Democrats last hopes lie with universal mail-in voting and the striking down of voter identification laws, providing a light at the end of the Tunnel and enough chaos post-elections to allow them to sweep to victory – provided the light isn’t the oncoming Trump train.

Biden is said to be beholden to the far-left, and has sent a message pleading for their support “help us Antifa, you’re our only hope!”